August 2024 Newsletter
Dear friends,
Thank you for being part of this community! Maybe you join me weekly for yoga, hike with me on our monthly women’s hikes, use my herbal salves, have attended my retreats or coaching courses, or maybe you are just watching and observing what it is I offer. For whatever reason you are here, I want to sincerely offer my gratitude to you. I hope there is something in this newsletter that may speak to your heart. I always love hearing from you and understanding your challenges, your happiness, and hearing about the ways you are learning and growing.
What I am learning:
This month I have learned the impact a carefully chosen question can have. Often, when we speak with others, we share our experience or insight or try to solve whatever problem they are experiencing. How often do we create a space for them to find the answers within them or offer them a way to view things from a different perspective? In my coaching calls, both as a client and as a coach this month, I have witnessed the power an insightful question can have. Here are a few of the important questions that have been asked this month that have allowed me to have deeper understanding and awareness of myself:
What do I value?
What value, if implemented, will provide the greatest change for me right now?
What are the values I want my life designed around?
Do my goals include my top values?
What I know I need to know in order to make a clear choice?
What do I want my life to FEEL like?
What am I afraid of on the other side of facing “this pattern”? (whatever the pattern is) Are you afraid of your fierceness, your strength, your wisdom, your power?
What is my intention?
What benefit am I getting out of “this pattern”? Why is this acceptable to me?
What sparks true unbridled joy in my heart? What makes my heart swell with joy, wonder, and gratitude?
What are some of the potent questions that have given you an opportunity for self-reflection this month?
What I am offering:
I have had several opportunities to continue learning and expanding my knowledge, as I have worked with clients this last month doing full body analysis, trigger point release, and hand readings. I love the increased awareness, the love, and the compassion it offers each individual as they begin to truly see themselves. This work is so transformative! Please reach out with any questions or respond to this email and set up a free consultation to see how this process could benefit you. Please email me at for offerings and prices.
Join us every Tuesday at 8pm MST on zoom for 60 min of yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Join our Facebook group here to stay up to date on any changes to the schedule: First class is always free and $10 per class after.
I am offering private, in-home (or online) yoga lessons for those looking for more personalized attention. I am also happy to do private retreats tailored to you and your group’s needs. These offerings are not on my website currently so please reach out via email if a personalized yoga session or retreat is of interest to you.
I have a great desire to continue gathering women and would love your input and feedback on what topics, trainings, skills, or experiences would be most beneficial for you in your life right now. My ability to hold retreats this year is limited, so I hope to make the 1 or 2 I do offer as impactful as I can. Please share your input and insights to guide me in best meeting your needs.
YOGA RETREAT ANNOUNCEMENT!! I am so excited to announce a day retreat scheduled this fall. Mark your calendars for Oct 5th. I will be incorporating some Psychosomatics, yoga, meditation, journaling, breathwork, and of course delicious food fresh from the garden. Numbers will be limited so I will be prioritizing registration from this community before I advertise elsewhere. Please reach out if you are interested in attending so I can save your space. Watch for an additional email later this month with more detailed information.
This month we will be hiking Mirror Lake to Pond Loop on August 17th. This is a 4.1 mile hike and is rated easy. I look forward to seeing you all on the trail! If you are interested in joining us for a hike, please join our Facebook group here to access meeting times, coordinating rides, updates or changes.
My salves are made from homegrown, handpicked or foraged organic herbs. Users of these products have found them helpful for the following conditions:
· Calendula-wound healing, eczema, swollen lymph nodes, diaper rash, reduce scars and stretch marks, burns, bug bites, chapped lips, bruising
· Pine-achy muscles, joint pain, chest congestion, headaches, fever, insect bites, rashes, cuts
· Rosemary- (similar properties to Pine) achy muscles, chest congestion, headaches, dry scalp, cuts and bruises
· Calendula & Rosemary-benefits of calendula and rosemary combined
· Yarrow-nosebleeds, varicose veins, sprains, bruises, hemorrhoids, and stopping bleeding. This is a great salve to have in any 1st Aid kit.
· Calendula lip balm-soothes and comforts dry chapped lips
If any of these offerings are of interest to you, please reach out to me at
What I am reading:
I recently began reading the book “Find Your Why” by Simon Sinek. I am barely diving in, yet already loving this book. This is a quote from the foreword that really resonated “Think of this book as the gun that fires at the beginning of the race. That bang fills you with excitement and energy as you set off. But it is the lessons you will learn as you run the race-as you learn to live your WHY-that will inspire you and show you what you are capable of. And remember the most important lesson. The goal is not simply for you to cross the finish line, but to see how many people you can inspire to run with you.” And this quote from the cover of the introduction “Your vision is actionable if you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, it will remain a figment of your imagination.” I would love to know what is your why? Feel free to share your vision and make it actionable.
What I am loving:
I am loving the warm summer days seeing my garden growing (despite valiant efforts from the squash bugs & grasshoppers to destroy it) time spent camping, kayaking, hiking, afternoon thunderstorms, wildflowers blooming, nights under the stars, zoom calls to connect (though I much prefer time together in person). I am loving all that I am learning & the ways I am growing and changing & the way life is so beautiful and full & also so challenging and demanding. I am choosing to love it all.
Sending you all love and light,