December 2022 Newsletter
Welcome friends! Thank you for being a part of my growing community this year. I am so grateful for each one of you. Each month I have shared with you more of my personal journey and things I have been learning, teaching, reading, and loving. My hope is that you have found something that spoke to your heart and led you toward healing and happiness in your own life. Please feel free to share this email with any friends or family who you feel may benefit from it as well.
What I am learning:
Last month I was privileged to attend a women’s retreat on the beautiful island of Kauai. I learned so many things on this retreat and had experiences I hope to find words to share more about soon. One of my biggest takeaways was how vital connection is. Connection to the earth, connection to self, and connection to others. As I spent time in this magically beautiful place, it was easy to connect to the earth-to be present and connected to the dirt beneath my bare feet, to the sounds and feel of the ocean waves as we played on the beach, and to soak in all the beautiful scenery surrounding me each moment. I felt a deeper connection to myself as I stepped away from the day-to-day distractions and spent time reflecting and journaling. Our joyful movement in the morning also aided me in connecting with my body and exploring movement that made me feel joyful in my body. When we ate, we offered gratitude for the food and ate mindfully, savoring the delicious, fresh food. When I arrived at the retreat, I knew no one. It was amazing to me how within hours I felt connected to and loved by the 12 other women attending and hosting the retreat. Everyone showed up ready to learn, heal, connect, and grow. Inviting in vulnerability and sharing from our hearts led to deep and meaningful connections that I will treasure forever. After arriving home, I have contemplated how to remain connected and present in all of these ways. I am practicing grounding, joyful movement, meditation, mindfully eating, and working to purposefully connect with those I love in my life. What does connection mean to you and how do you stay connected to the earth, to yourself, and to others when the day-to-day distractions creep in?
What I am teaching:
My 10-day online masterclass “Foundations for a Mindful Life” is available online. It is a self-paced course that can be enrolled in at any time. In this course you will learn simple foundational practices that will invite you to begin living in a more mindful way.
My next session of A Mindful Life Method begins on January 12th. This is a more in-depth 6-week online course that will lead you on a journey of reconnection with yourself that teaches you tools to reduce stress and anxiety in your life.
Every Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm MST, I have an amazing group of ladies that join me for a yoga class with breathwork and guided meditation. We have built a beautiful community of women and I look forward to teaching them each week. This is an online class and we always love when new friends join. Cost is $5. Zoom link- Meeting ID: 882 9308 5896 Passcode: 988688
Once a month I host a free women’s hiking group for ladies in my local area of Southern Utah. Our next outing will be on December 10th at 9am. We will be hiking in St George area this month, so we can enjoy the sun and warmer temperatures.
If any of these classes or events are of interest to you, please reach out to me for more information or visit my website at
What I am reading:
I have been reading “The Book of Joy” this last month. It is co-written by the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams. These spiritual leaders came together for a week to discuss joy and the book is a compilation of their conversations. It also includes scientific studies and practices of joy. It is a book I highly recommend. One passage in the beginning of the book that really resonated with me was this “Sadly, many of the things that undermine our joy and happiness we create ourselves. Often it comes from the negative tendencies of the mind, emotional reactivity, or from our inability to appreciate and utilize the resources that exist within us. …We create most of our suffering, so it should be logical that we have the ability to create more joy. It simply depends on the attitudes, the perspectives, and the reactions we bring to situations and to our relationships with other people. When it comes to personal happiness there is a lot that we as individuals can do.” I have personally experienced the truth of this statement in my own life. What are your thoughts/experiences with this?
What I am loving:
I am loving the spirit of the Christmas season that is in the air. I put up my Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving and was reminded how much I love the extra light that seems to be present all around us during this season. I know it can also be a very difficult time for many, so I encourage each one of us to share our love and light with those around us. What do you love about the holiday season?
A special request:
I have been very blessed this year and would love to give back to my incredible community of ladies. Please send me names of anyone who could use a little extra help this holiday season. Share a brief reason why you are nominating them and a little about their family. I will read through each submission and choose a family or two to give some extra love to. Thank you!
Sending you all love and light,